Remove Your Spider Veins with Laser Therapy

If you have spider veins or other skin conditions that are affecting your appearance in ways that you do not like, you should consider the treatment options that are available to you from London Premier Laser & Skin. You can find out more information about the services and conditions that can be treated by visiting One condition for which many people seek treatment is the presence of spider veins on the face or legs.

Spider veins develop when the small blood vessels that are near the surface of the skin become enlarged and are not functioning as they should. As a result, they can become visible through the skin in a way that resembles the web of a spider. The fine lines that are seen as a result tend to dart out in various directions and appear to be interwoven. They are usually red, blue or purple in color. While they seldom result in any serious health threats, they can have an effect on the appearance that damages many people’s self-esteem. Fortunately, treatments are available that do not require any downtime for recovery or a visit to the hospital. They can be done in the office. Afterwards, individuals can return to their normal daily routines.

Lasers that are used for the removal of spider veins are non-ablative. This means that they do not destroy the outer layers of the skin. Instead, the energy is focused on the veins themselves. When the energy is absorbed by the veins, it is converted to heat. The heat will destroy the veins. Afterwards, the tissue that is left will begin to be absorbed by the body. Over the course of the next several weeks, what is left of the veins will no longer be visible. If your life is impacted by the presence of these unwanted veins, you should contact the people at London Premier Laser for more detail on treatment options.
